1. Studying UNIX commands 2. Write a shell script to count number of user’s login and print first login user information. 3. Write a shell script to getyour name and greet you depending on time 4. Write a shell script to print the names of all files in the current workingdirectory in alphabetical order using for loop 5. Write a shell script to get three arguments from the command line operand 1,operand 2 and perform all arithmetic operations 6. Write a shell script to all files whose size is greater than specific size. 7. Write a shell script to read user name and find whether the user is currently working in the system or not 8. Write a shell script that searches for a particular pattern in files and displays the name of such files 9. Write a shell script that displays the calendar for present month, current working directory, and the files with the extension sash 10. Write a shell script that checks if the contents of two files are same. If so,delete the second file. 11. Write a shell script that counts the number of blank lines in a file, count howmany lines have a text ‘new’ in it, count how many lines have the last wordhaving a value > 1000 12. Write a shell script that copies files in a directory and its subdirectory toanother directory. 13.Write a shell script that changes the text color 14. Write a shell script that reads lines in a file and echo the line followed bythe string “This line is line n” n=1, 2, 3… 15. Study of UNIX filters like grep, awk, tr, sed etc. 16. Writing C program to implement UNIX commands like cat, cp etc. 17. Developing simple exercises inUnix Graphics.
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