Syllabus - CS2 Lab 1: Programming in C
CS2 Lab 1: Programming in C
(6 Hours – 4 Credits)
[Two questions to be answered in the University practical examination – one from 1 to 14 in the list, another one from 15 to 23 in the list]
1. To find Sum of Digits of a number
2. To reverse a given number and check if it is a palindrome
3. To evaluate Sine Series
4. To find the nth Fibonacci Number
5. To check if a number is Prime Number or not
6. To Sort an Array
7. To count the occurrences of a number in a set
8. To check if a no is Adam Number
9. To reverse a given string and check if it is a palindrome
10. To find Factorial value, Fibonacci, GCD value using Recursion
11. To add and subtract two Matrices
12. To multiply two matrices
13. To find row wise sum of a matrix of order m x n
14. To solve Quadratic Equation – Switch
15. To perform binary search using Function
16. To find NCR and NPR values using Function
17. To calculate mean, variance and standard deviation using function
18. To prepare Pay Bill – Structure
19. To prepare Mark Sheet – Structure
20. To perform inventory calculations - Structure
21. To demonstrate the use of bitwise operators
22. To prepare Mark Sheet – File
23. To prepare EB Bill – File
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