Syllabus - NME1 –Introduction to Computers and Office Automation

NME1 –Introduction to Computers and Office Automation
( 2 Hours – 2 Credits)
Computer Fundamentals: History,  Generations-Classification of Computers-Windows Operating System
Introduction to Microsoft Office 2000 - Word Processing & Microsoft Word- Introduction to Word Processing- Some Important Terms of Word Processing-Starting Word-Microsoft Word Screen-File Menu-Edit Menu-View Menu-Insert Menu-Format Menu
Tools Menu-Table Menu-Window Menu-Help Menu-Formatting the Text-Alignment of Text-Applying Fonts- Size of Text-Font of the Text-Colour of the Text. 
Spreadsheets & Microsoft Excel: Understanding Microsoft Excel for Windows-Starting Microsoft Excel 2000-Understanding Spreadsheets-File Menu-Edit Menu-View Menu-Insert Menu-Format Menu-Tools Menu-Data Menu-Window Menu-Help Menu.   
Creating a Worksheet in Excel for Windows-Copying Formula-Formulas That Make Decisions-Styles-Functions in Excel-Using Autosum-Using autocalculate-References-Sum Function-Average Function-Creating Charts in Excel-Creating Graphs-Modifying Chart-Adding Data to Chart-Add a Data table to a Chart-Add a Trendline-Creating a Pivot Table Report-Modifying the Chart Type

Text Book:     Learning computer Fundamentals,  MS Office and Internet & Web Technology                 - Dinesh Maidasani – FIREWALL MEDIA,  First Edition 2005. 

Unit I –           Section A-1& 2,  Section B- 1.   
Unit II -           Section B- 2,  3 ( upto Format Menu)
Unit III -         Section B- 3 (From Tools Menu to Colour of the Text except Marking Text                        for Table of Contents – Create an Index-Generate an Index-Working with                                 Wizards)
Unit IV -         Section B- 4 (upto Help Menu)
Unit V -           Section B- 4(From Creating a Worksheet in Excel to Modifying the Chart              Type except Function Wizard-Functions in Excel-Data and Time functions-                    Logical Functions-lookup and Reference functions-Math and Trigonometric                 Functions-Statistical Functions-Engineering Functions-Text Functions)

Reference Book:  A Beginners Guide to Computers – Alexis Leon & Mathews Leon-Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.   2001

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