BCA Syllabus – Software Engineering
6.1 Software Engineering
Third Year Part III Group A Sixth Semester Subject Code:
Unit – 1
Introduction to Software Engineering Some definition –Some size factors –Quality and productivity factors- Managerial issue. Planning a software project: Defining the problem –Developing a solution strategy – planning the development process –planning an organization structure –other planning activities.
Unit – 2
Software Cost Estimation: Software – Cost factors - Software cost estimation techniques -Specification techniques staffing –level estimation –estimating software maintenance costs.
Unit – 3
Software requirements definition: The software requirements specification – format languages and processors for requirements specification.
Unit - 4
Software Design : Fundamentals Design concepts- Modules and modularizing Criteria Design Notations –Design techniques –Detailed Design Consideration –Real time and distributed system design –Test plan- Mile stones walk through and inspection –Design guide lines.
Unit - 5
Verification and validation Techniques: Quality assurance –Static analysis – symbolic exception – Unit testing and Debugging –system testing – formal verification. Software maintenance : Enhancing maintainability during development – managerial aspects of software maintenance –configuring management –source code metrics –other maintenance tools and techniques.
- Software Engineering Concepts, 1985. McGrawHill Book Company, Richard E.Fairly Chapters 1-5, 8 & 9.
Software Engineering: A practitioner’s approach by Roger S. Pressman McGrawHill International Book Company, 2001
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