Bcom Syllabus – Fundamentals of Operating System Lab
2.3 Fundamentals of Operating System Lab
First Year Part III Group A Second Semester Subject Code :
1. Basic Shell commands – echo, pwd, date, ls, chmod, cd
2. Commands cat, cp, mv, rm, usage of pipe
3. Shell Script to
i) List directories alone
ii) List hidden files alone
iii) List the contents of the file using HEAD and TAIL commands
4. Usage of filters – sort, grep, find
5. Shell Script to
i) Remove blank lines
ii) Count the occurrence of a word
iii) List the files containing a particular word
iv) List the lines starting with a particular word
v) List the lines not starting with a particular word
6. Shell script to
i) Display files with full rights
ii) Add or remove rights for user
iii) check the rights of a user, group and others
7. Shell Script to check if the given file exists or not
8. Shell Script to compare two files using cmp, comp and diff commands
9. Shell Script to list and delete the zero byte files.
10. Shell Script to count the number of characters, words and lines in a file
11. Shell Script to replace the word “Unix” with “shell” in a single file and multiple files using
seed command
12. Shell Script to display the recently created files and files created in the starting of particular
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