Syllabus - SBS4 – Lab 9 : Web Design

SBS4 – Lab 9 : Web Design
(2 hours 2 Credits)

1.      Creation of a simple college web site using hyperlinks,  tables and images
2.      Creation of different text styles using Style Sheets
3.      Simple VB Scripts to handle mouse events (mousein,  mouseover etc.  )
4.      Simple Java Script for Email ID Validation
5.      Java Script to Greet the user as good morning / good afternoon depending on the time of day
6.      HTML Forms using Java Script
7.      Display the day of week using java script
8.      Creation of cookies using java script
9.      Java Script using Timers
10.  Create a JSP file and print "Hello Welcome" in Bold Text
11.  Create two JSP files called "a.  jsp" and "b.  jsp" then forward b.  jsp file from a.  jsp. 
12.  Create a Servlet file and call a JSP file from that created Servelet. 
   13.   Program using HTTP Get Request / Post Request etc.

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